WHO WE ARE: One short lady plus some really talented folks who work with me in design, programming, and marketing… they’re the best!
WHAT WE DO: We do several things:
Marketing for Small Businesses (look for our new SWOT analysis and forward-moving plans)
Develop websites and Design websites. (that is two different things)
WHEN: (or how long) We started building websites 24 years ago… yes, we started on ‘dial-up’! That’s a frightening thought… Imagine this, back then, before I could tell someone what we did, I had to tell them what the Internet was and why they needed to listen to what I had to say next… it was fun!
WHERE: Of course, we are on the Internet, in your email, and a phone call away! But our office is in Southeast GA.
WHY THE BUSINESS: When we started 24 years ago, a friend and I talked about our children’s teachers and that we wanted to be able to communicate with them without having to call them at home on their personal time… That started it. We build a tool for parent-teacher communication which many schools used for a number of years. And it went on from there…
WHY USE US: We are consultant-based, very ‘one-on-one’ with our clients, as some of our clients have been with us for over 20 years. Simply put, we have withstood the ‘test of time’.